Jumat, 20 April 2012

sweet strawberry

wooowww I want strawberry! fruit small, cute, pretty, and fresh!

Strawberries are red-fruit is beautiful and seductive. The taste is sweet and slightly sour to make a lot of rage. Black speckled fruit is good for health, can prevent heart disease, healthy brain, cancer prevention and cure acne.

-Strawberries, tiny red fruit is not only suitable to eat with bread, yogurth or be decorated cake. Abroad, precisely in the U.S., about 94 percent of households consume fresh strawberries as a snack or a salad. Children also play menobatkannya as fruit. In fact, according to research, calories in fruit is very small.

This benefit strawberries

Eight strawberries or chunks 1 cup strawberries contains only 50 calories and contains no cholesterol or saturated fatty acids. No wonder the strawberries into a snack or a healthy food supplement. The same number also provides 30 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid. This is equivalent to 7.5 percent of the daily requirement of folic acid for pregnant women, that is 400 ug. Folic acid is essential to prevent neural tube defects in fetuses.

Because strawberries provide 94 milligrams of vitamin C or vitamin C daily requirement 1.5, we can conclude that vitamin C in strawberries more than 1 piece of orange juice. Many of the benefits of taking vitamin C, such as Vitamin C can keep your teeth and gums remain healthy children, helps wound healing and increase body resistance to infection. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant that helps reduce the risk of some cancers.

Friends of the heart and brain


In addition, the potassium in it is one mineral that is suggested to exist in the menu pattern of people who want to lower blood pressure. Eating strawberries can help, because one cup of strawberries contains about 270 milligrams of potassium. The same number also accounts for about 4 grams of fiber, which helps lower blood cholesterol levels and healthy digestive tract.


In addition, vitamin C, potassium, and fiber that are known to be beneficial for heart health and brain, strawberries also contain beneficial phytochemical compounds, namely ellagik acid, quercetin, kaempferol, phenolic acids and anthocyanins. These compounds are known to prevent blood clots, one of the causes of heart attack or stroke.

Strawberries are healthy


Benefits of strawberries by SDA (United State Department of Agriculture):

a. Efficacy strawberries will not change, though it was processed into juice, cake, or jam. Research shows, toast spread with strawberry jam contains anti-oxidants 50 percent more than fresh strawberries.


b. Strawberries are rich in vitamin C, and the acidity of vitamin C is safe for the stomach.

c. Eating one cup of strawberries a day can reduce the risk of various cancers. Among cancers of the cervix, breast, colon, and throat.

d. Strawberries merit increase brain power and keep the vision clear. Benefits can be obtained if you regularly eat strawberries, at least one to three cups.


e. Strawberries can be used as a natural acne remedy. Almost all acne medications on the market contain salicylic acid, found in many strawberries. Therefore, the use of masks is very useful strawberries. How: Puree strawberries, mixed with a little yogurth, apply on face, let sit for about 15 minutes.


f. Strawberries are also useful to whiten teeth. From the use of chemicals as bleach, you better chew strawberries every day. In addition to white teeth, bad breath will be gone.

g. The content of strawberry puree is also beneficial to the skin of the body, being able to lift dead skin cells. Try soaking in a piece of strawberry fruit, with milk and olive oil. Rub all over your body, see the results. If the routine is done, the skin will become smoother, tidakkusam, and the heel of the foot will not be broken.

Strawberries vs. Cancer

2 types of fruit that have examined the amount of antioxidants, strawberries recorded the highest score. Antioxidants are compounds that can protect body cells from damage by cancer penimbul materials. How to work anti-oxidants, prevent or interfere with the process that could lead to the formation of cancer cells.

Both of certain substances in his or her own strawberries and strawberry turned out to have anti-cancer properties. In experiments on extracts of strawberries by the U.S. Department of Agirculture, the extract showed a large effect on the inhibition of cell growth of cervical cancer and breast cancer cells.


Some studies also showed that there ellagik acid in strawberries can inhibit cancer of the lung, esophagus, breast, skin, and liver cancer caused by chemical digestion. In experiments with breast cancer cells, can inhibit the growth ellagik acid to 45 percent. Kuercetin present in strawberries has also been known to inhibit the growth of prostate cancer and breast cancer.

for those interested in buying a beautiful and seductive strawberry? as always please contact contact us email or comment ^ _ ^

avocado selling great quality!

avocado is very popular, from the lower or upper classes, ranging from small children to adults, both in the juice, mixed with ice mix, or eat meat in it, the meat is soft in the mouth, there would be difficulty in mengunyah.tapi behind it all avocado contain nutrients which are very hebat.yuukk let's find out.

Peeking Behind The Secret Benefits of Avocado Fruit

dong would agree if food intake is important for a healthy body!. Eating fruits really need to make to balance the body. For example, avocado fruit is one of the benefits of rich fruit. Fruits that contain healthy fats may help maintain eye health, fight cancer, as well as nutrient absorption ningkatin .. mmhh .. how come yaa? peep yuks!

Although the origin is not known with certainty, some people think this fruit from Central America and Mexico, while others argue Kalua avocado comes from Persia. However, the nutrients and vitamins that are stored behind a thick and soft avocado flesh had long since perceived usefulness ...

Call it contains vitamin C which is actually a powerful antiokisdan to repel free radicals in the body; vitamin A that serves as a nutritional support the body's immunity so it is not susceptible to disease, and vitamin E are good for skin health support.

Improve the health of the eye
Try deh protect your eye health by eating a few pieces of avocado at lunch or dinner. Avocados are rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants found in the retina. Both antioxidants are functioning to maintain eye health and prevent aging-related eye disorders, such as cataracts and macular degeneration.

Prevent cancer
A study found, Avocado extract can kill or stop the growth of precancerous cells that lead to oral cancer. This extract is also believed to have similar effects on other cancer types. These benefits, according to researchers, due to the content of folate, vitamin C and E in Alpukat.Alpukat rich in monounsaturated fats (good fats) and oleic acid, a substance that can reduce the risk of developing various cancers including breast cancer.

Can lower cholesterol
Avocados are rich in beta-sitosterol, a substance that has been shown to have a positive effect on your blood cholesterol levels. Research has shown that avocados are not only lower cholesterol levels as a whole, but also improve the ratio between good and bad.

Strong absorption of nutrients
A study from The Ohio State University, as quoted health.com website, found that people can absorb lycopene (from tomato) 4.5 times as much as plus avocado. Good fats from avocado, according to researchers, helping to absorb more nutrients.

Rich in vitamin E

One of the best sources of vitamin E, avocado. Vitamin E has many functions and benefits, and help protect the body against various diseases and illnesses.

Sources of healthy fats
Try replacing fatty foods with meat avocado cream. One ounce of avocado contains four grams of unsaturated fats. It serves good fats lower cholesterol and good for the heart. Apart from good fats, one ounce of avocado contains two grams of fiber and one gram of protein. The content of this makes the avocado is perfect as a replacement for other sources of unhealthy fats.

Rich in folate

Avocados are also good for your heart and can protect you against stroke because they contain high amounts of folate. Folate has been shown to improve heart health and even reduce the risk of stroke.
Similarly, the potassium content which according to some studies considered capable of preventing the onset of stroke and coronary heart disease. This is possible because the role of potassium in the body can make the heart beat regularly, activating muscle contractions, control of water balance in tissues and cells regulate blood pressure.

Iron content in avocados also have benefits for the body. This is because these substances in the body function as oxygen-carrying pigment in blood. While oxygen itself is necessary for normal functioning of body cells selurush.

Avocados also contain the following elements (for 1 cup avocado):

35% of your recommended daily amount of vitamin K.

25% of your recommended daily intake of potassium.

20% of your daily intake of copper.

20% of the daily recommended amount of vitamin C.

And 20% of the daily dose of vitamin B6.

As you can see, the avocado is rich in a variety of substances that contribute to the health and welfare.

For beauty, the avocado is considered capable of moisturizing the skin, how to wash your hands with warm water and then mash the avocado taste then smeared over the face except the eyes. When finished set aside some time and rinse with water.

In addition, the skin is also useful for smooth skin that is prone to be coarse such as elbows and knees. For that, try rubbing the rough with the skin of the avocado slices

The important thing about the avocado (regardless of the health benefits) is that avocados are delicious and can be used in a variety of dishes.

for those interested in buying a great avocado please contact contact us email, or comment below,

or anyone interested in becoming an avocado farmer? bold attempt to buy some land for a hit? save the world by gardening and greening investments? also contact yah ..

Jumat, 13 April 2012

peanut's.. crisp peanut's

Hmmm .. what's do you thinking when hearing the word of peanuts? What comes to mind when looking crisp bean-Kriuk Kriuk?
What would you choose to take it further? Raw peanuts? Beans are still crisp skin wrapped? Or peeled beans are crisp and ready to eat?
Whatever the type of nut snacks, must be eaten straight out.

we look at-look at the great secret behind the beans are crisp crisp

Arachis hypogea
Scientific classification

Kingdom: Plantae

Division: Tracheophyta

Upadivisi: Angiospermae

Classes: Magnoliophyta

Order: Leguminales

Family: Papilionaceae

Upafamili: Faboideae

Nation: Aeschynomeneae

Genus: Arachis

Species: Arachis L. hypogeae
Arachis tuberosa Benth.
Arachis guaramitica Chod & Hassl.
Arachis idiagoi Hochne.
Arachis angustifolia (Chod & Hassl) Killip.
Arachis villosa Benth.
Arachis prostrata Benth.
Arachis helodes Mart.
Arachis marganata Garden.
Arachis namby quarae Hochne.
Arachis villoticarpa Hochne.
Arachis glabrata Benth.

Binomial name

Arachis hypogaea

Peanuts, una, suuk, jebrol beans, nuts bandung, beans, rgb, nuts kole, nuts banggala (Greek: Arachis hypogaea L., the English language: peanut, groundnut) is a leguminous plant of the legume family Fabaceae, or both The most important after soybeans in Indonesia. [1] Peanut is a kind of tropical plants. He was tall shrub grows 30 to 50 cm (1 to 1 ½ feet) and remove the small leaves.
This plant is one of two types of crops other than peanut bogor, Voandziea subterranea that his experience cooking in the subsurface soil. If the young fruit exposed to light, impaired seed maturation process.


These plants originated from South America is precisely Brazillia, but now has spread throughout the world tropical or subtropical entry of peanuts to Indonesia in the 17th century is estimated as brought by the Spanish merchants, Chinese, or Portuguese as did the voyage from Mexico to the Moluccas after 1597 AD In 1863 Holle Peanut from entering Britain in 1864 and Scheffer also include Peanuts from Egypt, the People's Republic of China and India is now the world's largest producer of peanuts


Peanuts are rich in fat, contains high protein, iron, vitamin E and calcium, vitamin B complex and Phosphorus, Vitamin A and K, lecithin, choline and calcium content of the proteins in peanuts is much higher than meat, eggs and nuts soyaMempunyai a sweet taste and is widely used for making various types of cakes
Peanuts are also said to contain ingredients that can build endurance in preventing some diseases. Eating an ounce of peanuts five times a week can prevent heart disease are reported. Peanuts work enhance the ability of the heart pumps and lower coronary heart disease resoki Eating a handful of peanuts every day, especially pesakit diabetes can help deficient

Peanuts contain Omega 3 fats that are polyunsaturated and Omega 9 which is a monounsaturated fat in 1 ounce of peanuts have 18 grams 17 grams of Omega 3 and Omega 9 Peanuts contain phytosterols which can actually lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, with how to resist the absorption of cholesterol from the foods that are circulated in the blood and reduce the re-absorption of cholesterol from the liver, and maintain HDL cholesterol. Peanuts also contain arginine can stimulate the body to produce nitrogen monoxide, which works to fight the tuberculosis bacteria.

Studies show peanuts can be as high blood pressure-lowering and cholesterol content in blood, memorable way to relieve the disease hemophilia or easy bleeding tendency, whitish disease and insomnia. But Peanuts is prevented in those facing the disease and the type of breast cancer who have acne or acne problems are also advised to stop eating peanuts

Peanuts can be used as an ingredient for making cheese, butter, soap and cooking oil. Byproduct of oil can be made cake (nut pulp that has been dipipit / taken oil) and is made by fermenting yeast oncom. While the leaves, but is made of raw or boiled vegetables, can be used also as a highly nutritious fodder and green manure. In addition, eating peanuts may block free radicals, lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol, and can prevent the body from heart attacks.

Peanuts contain fat (40-50%), protein (27%), carbohydrates, lecithin, choline, and vitamins (A, B, C, D, E, and K), also contain minerals such as calcium, chloride, Ferro , Magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and Sulphur. The protein in peanuts is much higher than that contained in meat, eggs and soya beans (soy beans). He also contain high amino acids. Of peanut oil is the best source of laxatives.

one of the favorite recipes of peanut

1 kg of peanuts a good
2 tsp grated garlic
2 tsp salt
1 liter coconut milk
cooking oil
6 cloves garlic, thinly sliced​​, fried

How to make:
# Put the peanuts in a bowl. Pour the boiling water. Allow to cool water. Epidermis peeled beans, drained.
# Mix the onion, salt, and coconut milk.
# Soak the beans in a spicy coconut milk for 2 hours.
# Drain the beans.
# Fry in oil over medium heat, many are gradually while stirring until brown dry beans. Remove and drain.
# Add the garlic fries. Stir well, chill.
# Store in a jar with a lid tightly.

To 1 kg

For those interested to buy crunchy peanut super great quality of this .. email please contact us or please write a comment

Kamis, 12 April 2012

Plump rooster village

Plump rooster village

Petok .. Petok .. Petok .. "My chickens is everything .." so said ad .. but to me the chickens are so very precious, keep him since my chickens since it amounted to three tails, one male and two females still others. Three months so do not feel eleven, twenty-six months, and so on, but in my village there is always a chicken hunting, bought it for very cheap, for sale to the airport or the market at a price that is more tolerable, as we do not appreciate the effort who cared for him or even do not appreciate a very precious value of a chicken itself, which is more important than domestic chickens are more widely circulated in traditional markets or in supermarkets in the city besar.harga chicken soared, but the quality is nil.

Chicken has a better quality of primary, ranging in terms of nutrition, strength, militancy, even in terms of their psychology in socializing with other birds around it, with other animals, even with his master, a human who maintain, as well as other human beings who are not custodians,

Chicken is not only very feasible in consumption, but also feasible in fighting strength, reliability, as soldiers guard the house, the watchman of the hands of malicious intent against him, or where he lived.

Let us further deepen the quality of chicken again, to see farther, so much love and respect its value

From Indonesian Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gallus domesticus

scientific sKlasifikasi

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Aves

Order: Galliformes

Family: Phasianidae

Genus: Gallus

Species: G. Gallus

Upaspesies: G. g. domesticus

trinomial name

Gallus Gallus domesticus
Chicken is the designation for pet chickens in Indonesia are not handled by commercial mass culture, and not originating from the resulting strain or race to the commercial interests
Chicken does not have terms of laying chicken or beef. This is due to free-range chicken eggs, as well as the poultry and meat should have animals in general
The scientific name for chicken is Gallus domestic] chicken farm activity has existed since time immemorial


Chicken is one type of poultry that has been popular in the community and spread throughout the archipelago for the people of Indonesia, chicken is not a foreign thing.
The term "Chicken" is the opposite of the original term "chicken", and this designation refers to chickens that are found wander freely around the housing. However, since the performed program development, purification, and some local chicken breeding superior, now also known as a superior race chicken . To distinguish the term is now known as free-range chicken (short for "chicken instead of race") for the chicken that has been selected and maintained with improved cultivation techniques (not just diumbar and allowed to feed themselves). Free-range chicken farms have a significant role in supporting rural economies because of its high adaptability to the environment and its maintenance is relatively easy .

History of

Chicken history begins from the first generation of descendants of the chicken red jungle fowl (Gallus Gallus) . This type of chicken has been known since ancient kingdom of Kutai. At the time, chicken is one type of offering to the kingdom as a tribute from the local community. The requirement to give tribute causes chicken has always bred by villagers and causing chicken sustainability is maintained. In addition, chicken is consistent with the tastes of the local community. The habit of raising chicken is exactly what causes the chicken is easy to find in the country. Until now the system of tribute in the sense of movement of goods (chicken) from rural to urban areas still exist. The difference is, now the movement is more of a business

As a source of food

Liked chicken because the meat is chewy and "contains", not mushy and do not lean as chicken A variety of Indonesian dishes many of which still use chicken because the meat processing resistant (not destroyed during processing) . Besides chicken meat has advantages over the meat of broiler chickens, because of higher nutrient content . Chicken breast meat section includes a main meal athlete . The meat contains 19 types of protein and amino acids are high . Fat content is also relatively lower than in the thigh meat . Chicken maintained by the public mainly as a source of animal protein in the form of eggs and meat, in addition to their droppings can also be used as plant fertilizer or fish feed. As a source of protein animal eggs and meat mengadung essential amino acids that are needed by the body and plays a role in improving public health . Therefore, in order to produce chicken with either one of them must be given adequate feed. Chicken composition requires proper nutrition, including if you want a chicken that has a high level of egg production weight range chicken eggs ranged from 26.27 to 55.4 g with the average 45.46


Free range chicken is removed usually have a high level of immunity and save the cost of food Generally chickens fed enough morning will be released in the form of food scraps and extra bran to taste. The rest can be considered chicken feed themselves around the house

Another intension of the cock, especially chicken is his prowess in battle, there is a term first connect the chicken, so the roosters from each chicken house in the contest who is the greatest

for those interested in buying chickens this ward, please contact the email or comment below